
Couples Therapy


Practical information


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What does therapy involve?

Our couples therapy is based on open dialogue. We discuss any topics the couple considers important and that both individuals want to address.

The therapist's role is to help define difficulties and areas for growth, provide support, and recognize the relationship's inherent potential. During sessions, we focus on uncovering the deeper meanings behind what's happening in the relationship and how these experiences can be constructively utilized for the benefit of both partners and the relationship itself. While investigating the root causes of problems isn't the primary focus, it often brings relief and helps focus on finding new solutions.

Couples therapy / conversation Illustration 18.

Areas of focus

Sessions often concentrate on facilitating communication, bringing unspoken issues into the open, and addressing previously neglected feelings or needs. They help identify why communication often breaks down despite good intentions and what each person can do to better express themselves.

For many couples, cyclical mood swings — from hope for the future to feeling separation is inevitable — are a major concern. Often trapped in this cycle for years, couples feel the relationship stagnates and energy is drained. Therapy helps uncover the causes of these fluctuations, the underlying desires or fears, and explores if there's something to build on beyond this cycle.

Uncertainty about staying together or breaking up is a common motivation for seeking therapy. Sessions then focus on uncovering what unites and divides the couple, and what decisions best reflect this reality. For some, this marks the beginning of a new stage where the direction of the relationship and mutual expectations are redefined. At other times, the therapist's role is to provide support in expressing feelings and reactions to separation.

Understanding the impact of the couple's social context and issues related to power dynamics within the relationship is crucial. This is especially relevant for minority couples, mixed couples (in terms of nationality or religion), or relationships somehow deviating from societal norms. Psychotherapy helps these couples identify the exact source of problems, alleviate the feeling that their issues are of their own making, and find optimal strategies for coping with difficult external situations.

Relationship crisis Illustration 19.

A couple in crisis

While challenging, a crisis can be an opportunity — constructively navigating it strengthens the relationship. Each partner can then participate in a more fulfilling shared life.

Therapy involves identifying the problem, improving communication, and finding solutions that work for the relationship. Sometimes the focus is on deciding whether to stay together or separate. Unaddressed conflicts tend to recur, making partners feel stuck — therapy helps find new patterns. Therapists focus on the relationship as a whole, not on judging or advising partners.

Relationship crises manifest in various ways: arguments, feelings of alienation or loneliness, sexual difficulties, or an atmosphere of resignation and hopelessness. They often involve issues of fidelity, loyalty, lack of understanding, or an inability to decide on a shared future. Sometimes, pinpointing the exact cause is difficult; couples simply feel unhappy and growing apart.

Conflicts can also stem from external challenges like illness, grief, fertility struggles, sudden life changes, or parenting difficulties. Therapists help create a safe space for expressing frustration, sadness, or anger in a way that benefits the relationship. They focus on uncovering the relationship's inherent strengths to help the couple weather the crisis and provide mutual support.

For some couples, the social context is crucial, especially if they face overt or subtle disapproval. This applies to mixed‑nationality or interfaith couples, same‑sex couples, couples from vastly different backgrounds, or those with significant age or health disparities. Therapy helps them find the best coping strategies for the challenging external situation.

Couples therapy is effective when both partners are willing to participate. If your partner isn't interested, but you want to work on yourself and your role in the relationship, we offer individual consultations. Visit Agnieszka Serafin's, Mikołaj Czyż's or Therapy Warsaw websites to schedule an appointment.

See areas of support for relationships.

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Couples therapy at Couples Center is a process led by experienced psychotherapists who help couples uncover the roots of their problems, develop effective communication skills, and build stronger relationships. Our couples therapy center is conveniently located in South Downtown Warsaw, Poland.

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