
Couples Therapy


Practical information


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What is the essence of therapy?

Our couples therapy is built on a foundation of open and honest conversation. We discuss all topics that are important to the couple and that they want to address. The therapist's role is to facilitate the identification of challenges and areas for growth, offer support, and highlight the relationship's potential.

During our sessions, we delve into the underlying meanings of what's happening in the relationship – and how to harness this understanding to strengthen the bond and nurture individual growth. While understanding the root causes of problems can bring relief and help us focus on finding new solutions, it's not the primary focus of our therapy sessions.

Couples therapy / conversation {illustration 18}

What areas do we work on?

In our therapy sessions, we focus on facilitating open communication, uncovering unspoken emotions, and creating a safe space for feelings and needs to emerge. We help couples understand why, despite their best efforts, they struggle to connect and what each partner can do to express themselves more authentically, including their intentions and expectations.

For many couples, our therapeutic work involves addressing the emotional rollercoaster of hope and despair. We explore the underlying causes of these fluctuations, including the desires and fears that drive them. Our goal is to help couples discover what connects them and how to nurture that connection, moving beyond the cycle of disappointment and hope.

Some couples seek therapy due to uncertainty about their relationship's future. In these cases, our work involves exploring the bonds that unite the couple and the factors that drive them apart. We help them make decisions that align with their true desires, which can sometimes mark the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship. For others, our role is to provide support in navigating the emotional landscape of separation.

A vital aspect of our work is understanding the social context in which the couple operates, including the power dynamics within the relationship. This is particularly important for couples from diverse backgrounds or those that challenge traditional norms. Through therapy, each partner gains a deeper understanding of their situation and the resources available to them, empowering them to make informed decisions about their relationship.

Relationship crisis {illustration 19}

Relationship in Crisis

A relationship crisis, although a difficult experience, can be a transformative opportunity – by constructively addressing the issues, partners can strengthen their bond and participate more fulfilling in their shared life.

Therapy involves recognizing the problem, enhancing communication, and exploring solutions tailored to the relationship. In some cases, the focus is on the decision-making process of whether to continue or end the relationship. Unresolved conflicts can lead to feelings of stagnation – in such cases, therapy seeks innovative approaches. Our therapists focus on the relationship as a whole, rather than evaluating partners or offering advice.

Relationship crises can manifest in various ways, including arguments, feelings of isolation, sexual difficulties, or a sense of hopelessness. Often, they involve issues related to trust, loyalty, or the inability to make decisions about their shared future. Sometimes, partners struggle to identify the root cause of their problems, but they feel unhappy and disconnected.

Conflicts can also arise from challanging experiences, such as illness, grief, infertility, or sudden life changes. In these situations, our psychotherapists create a safe space for expressing emotions, which serves the relationship. The psychotherapeutic work involves discovering the relationship's inner strengths, enabling the couple to overcome the crisis and support each other.

In some cases, the social context plays a significant role, with overt or covert disapproval from the environment. This applies to, for example, interracial or interfaith couples, same-sex couples, or those from diverse family backgrounds, or partners with a significant age difference or health conditions. Therapy helps such couples grasp the source of their problems, alleviate feelings of inadequacy, and develop strategies to cope with the challenging external situation.

Couples therapy is beneficial when both partners are committed to working together. If your partner is not interested, but you want to work on yourself and your role in the relationship, we invite you to individual consultations. Learn more by visiting Agnieszka Serafin's or Mikołaj Czyż's website or Therapy Warsaw.

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Couples therapy at Couples Center is a process led by experienced psychotherapists who help couples uncover the roots of their problems, develop effective communication skills, and build stronger relationships. Our couples therapy center is conveniently located in South Downtown Warsaw.

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